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Display a brief helper text to your user



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Class props

'Classes applied to the element'

Tooltip component

Display a brief helper text to your user



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
activeWhether tooltip is active or not, use v-model:active to make it two-way bindingboolean-false
alwaysTooltip will be always activeboolean-false
animationTooltip default animationstring-
From config:
tooltip: {
  animation: "fade"
closeableTooltip auto close options (pressing escape, clicking the content or outside)boolean | string[]true, false, content, outside, escape
From config:
tooltip: {
  closeable: ["escape","outside","content"]
delayTooltip delay before it appears (number in ms)number-
disabledTooltip will be disabledboolean-false
labelTooltip text, unnecessary when content slot is usedstring-
multilineTooltip will be multilinedboolean-false
overrideOverride existing theme classes completelyboolean-
positionPosition of the Tooltip relative to the trigger"auto" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top-left" | "top-right" | "top"auto, top, bottom, left, right, top-right, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right
From config:
tooltip: {
  position: "auto"
teleportAppend the component to another part of the DOM.
Set true to append the component to the body.
In addition, any CSS selector string or an actual DOM node can be used.
boolean | object | string-
From config:
dropdown: {
  teleport: false
triggerTagTooltip trigger tag nameDynamicComponent-
From config:
tooltip: {
  triggerTag: "div"
triggersTooltip trigger events("click" | "contextmenu" | "focus" | "hover")[]hover, click, focus, contextmenu
From config:
tooltip: {
  triggers: ["hover"]
variantColor of the tooltipstringprimary, info, success, warning, danger, and any other custom color
From config:
tooltip: {
  variant: undefined


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:activevalue boolean - updated active propactive prop two-way binding
closeon active change to false event
openon active change to true event


defaultTooltip trigger slotactive boolean - tooltip active state
contentTooltip content, default is label prop

Sass variables

Current theme ➜ Oruga

SASS VariableDefault
$tooltip-content-box-shadow0px 1px 2px 1px rgba(0, 1, 0, 0.2)
$tooltip-content-padding0.35rem 0.75rem

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bulma

SASS VariableDefault
$tooltip-shadow0 1px 2px 1px rgba(0, 1, 0, 0.2)

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bootstrap

SASS VariableDefault

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Released under the MIT License.