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A responsive and flexible pagination



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Class props

'Classes applied to the element'

Pagination component

A responsive and flexible pagination



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
ariaCurrentLabelAccessibility label for the current page button.string-
From config:
pagination: {
  ariaCurrentLabel: "Current page"
ariaNextLabelAccessibility label for the next page button.string-
From config:
pagination: {
  ariaNextLabel: "Next page"
ariaPageLabelAccessibility label for the page button.string-
From config:
pagination: {
  ariaPageLabel: "Page"
ariaPreviousLabelAccessibility label for the previous page button.string-
From config:
pagination: {
  ariaPreviousLabel: "Previous page"
buttonTagPagination button tag nameDynamicComponent-
From config:
pagination: {
  buttonTag: "button"
currentCurrent page number, use v-model:current to make it two-way bindingnumber-1
iconNextIcon to use for next buttonstring-
From config:
pagination: {
  iconNext: "chevron-right"
iconPackIcon pack to usestringmdi, fa, fas and any other custom icon pack
From config:
pagination: {
  iconPack: undefined
iconPrevIcon to use for previous buttonstring-
From config:
pagination: {
  iconPrev: "chevron-left"
mobileBreakpointMobile breakpoint as max-width valuestring-
From config:
pagination: {
  mobileBreakpoint: undefined
orderButtons order"centered" | "left" | "right"centered, right, left
From config:
pagination: {
  order: "right"
overrideOverride existing theme classes completelyboolean-
perPageItems count for each pagenumber | string-
From config:
pagination: {
  perPage: 20
rangeAfterNumber of pagination items to show after current page.number-1
rangeBeforeNumber of pagination items to show before current page.number-1
roundedEnable rounded button styleboolean-
From config:
pagination: {
  rounded: false
simpleEnable simple styleboolean-
From config:
pagination: {
  simple: false
sizePagination sizestringsmall, medium, large
From config:
pagination: {
  size: undefined
totalTotal count of itemsnumber-


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:currentvalue number - updated current propcurrent prop two-way binding
changevalue number - current valueon current change event


previousPrevious button slotnumber number - page number
isCurrent boolean - if page is current
onClick (event:Event): void - click handler
ariaLabel string - aria-label attribute
nextNext button slotnumber number - page number
isCurrent boolean - if page is current
onClick (event:Event): void - click handler
ariaLabel string - aria-label attribute
defaultPagination button slotnumber number - page number
isCurrent boolean - if page is current
onClick (event:Event): void - click handler
ariaLabel string - aria-label attribute

Sass variables

Current theme ➜ Oruga

SASS VariableDefault
$pagination-link-border1px solid transparent
$pagination-link-padding0.5em 0.5em
$pagination-rounded-border-radiusvar( --#{$prefix}base-border-radius-rounded)

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bulma

The theme does not have any custom variables for this component.

Current theme ➜ Bootstrap

SASS VariableDefault

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Released under the MIT License.